Wednesday, May 22, 2013


So this second week is started off hard. I had to use a medical withdrawal from my spring quarter at YVCC so that I can heal. We spoke to the Sheriff who was there at our accident and he closed the case, stating that range area cris crosses the road all the way up the mountain and that he wasn't sure if place we hit the cow was range area or not and we should speak to an attorney. This Sheriff hadn't even looked at me, had just spoken to the EMT'S  and heard I had a face laceration. He didn't know that I was sent to Harborview to have my face stitched back together. UGH... then we call Jake's car insurance company (he has broad form) and they would only cover him and he was not hurt. They do not cover the vehicle either. I am battling this deep depression thought and I hate it! I feel so lost and lonely up here at the house with nothing to do. I know I have to take it easy and heal, but now I am so stressed about paying for all these medical bills that I can't switch my brain off. Even just admitting this kills me. Some days looking in the mirror makes me cry. I know I am healing really well and it will eventually be better, but it doesn't make me cry any less. So I am getting the stress off of my chest today and going to try and fight this head on.
This is my hole in my head. Going to take the longest to heal!

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you! God will see you through this! Call all the places and ask about their financial assistance or charity care. :-) There is light at the end of the tunnel...I promise. Trust me, let it go for now. There is nothing you can do about it and nothing you could have done differently. Love you!
